File Uploader Extended
File Uploader Extended

ThisisaChromeextensiondevelopedusingReact,TypeScript,andVite.Theextensionallowsuserstouploadandprocessvariousfiletypesthroughachatbot- ...,ChatGPT檔案上傳工具允許使用者無縫地將大型檔案格式,如PDF、Word文檔和電子表格,上傳至ChatGPT環境。此擴充功能...

ChatGPT File Uploader


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This is a Chrome extension developed using React, TypeScript, and Vite. The extension allows users to upload and process various file types through a chatbot- ...

ChatGPT檔案上傳工具- 輕鬆上傳檔案

ChatGPT檔案上傳工具允許使用者無縫地將大型檔案格式,如PDF、Word文檔和電子表格,上傳至ChatGPT環境。此擴充功能設計為將檔案分割成可管理的部分,克服聊天長度的限制, ...

ChatGPT File Uploader Extended

ChatGPT File Uploader Extended is a free Chrome extension that allows you to upload and process most file types directly into ChatGPT.

ChatGPT File Uploader

ChatGPT File Uploader Extended is a Google Chrome Extension that allows users to upload and process various file types directly in the ChatGPT interface.

ChatGPT File Uploader Extended 實現免費版也有上傳檔案功能

未來就可以這樣,看完一張圖片內容後,就再上傳另一張,不用ChatGPT API 也能翻譯國外書籍,直接白嫖,甚至還能搭配其他擴充功能,將ChatGPT 聊天內容輸出成PDF, ...

讓免費版ChatGPT 上傳文件的Chrome 套件,可分析摘要超長內容

「 ChatGPT File Uploader Extended 」的方式是會自動複製文件裡面的內容,自動分成每2000字一段的內容(會自動分拆檔案,不用手動),然後陸續上傳到ChatGPT ...

ChatGPT File Uploader

ChatGPT File Uploader is a Chrome extension that allows you to upload large files to in smaller chunks. This can be useful ...

ChatGPT File Uploader - Chrome Web Store

ChatGPT File Uploader is a Chrome extension that allows you to upload large files to in smaller chunks.

ChatGPT File Uploader

ChatGPT File Uploader is a Chrome extension that allows you to upload large files to in smaller chunks. This can be useful ...


ThisisaChromeextensiondevelopedusingReact,TypeScript,andVite.Theextensionallowsuserstouploadandprocessvariousfiletypesthroughachatbot- ...,ChatGPT檔案上傳工具允許使用者無縫地將大型檔案格式,如PDF、Word文檔和電子表格,上傳至ChatGPT環境。此擴充功能設計為將檔案分割成可管理的部分,克服聊天長度的限制, ...,ChatGPTFileUploaderExtendedisafreeChromeextensionthatallowsyoutouploadandprocessmostfiletypes...